The British Columbia Ministry of Education acknowledges that there are aspects of a general educational program that are difficult to provide in an Online Learning environment. As such, financial support to a maximum of $500 per eligible FCOL student may be provided to enhance personalized learning. Students must be able to demonstrate 1) their learning using these resources and 2) that these resources are tied directly to specific competencies/content from the current BC Curriculum.
Student Eligibility
Students eligible are:
1. Those registered full-time in grades K-9 with FCOL as their School of Record.
2. Those registered full-time in grades K-12 with FCOL School of Record with a designation in level 1, 2 or 3.
Criteria for Acceptable “Support for Learning” Fund Use: The intent of the Support for Learning funding is to provide alternative methods for the support of student learning. Funding is paid directly to third party providers (other than internet start-up and change of an internet provider). Direct payment to parent(s)/guardian(s) is not possible. Additional criteria include:
1. Approval by the student’s FCOL teacher;
2. Alignment with grade-appropriate learning outcomes, as approved by a FCOL teacher;
3. Be documented on a Support for Learning Application/Authorization Form;
4. Alignment with the Student(s) learning plan;
5. Provision of a written progress report/assessment by the activity/lesson instructor.
Examples of Acceptable Support for Learning Fund Use
1. Educational services not provided by FCOL (e.g. lessons in fine arts or certain physical-health education activities). a) Lessons must be offered by a recognized institution and/or an instructor licensed by the institution’s professional association (e.g. Royal Conservatory of Music, recreation centre swimming lessons). b) If the instructor is an independent service provider, FCOL must have the instructor’s SIN, address, and an invoice to make payment. Progress reports must be submitted to the student’s FCOL teacher.
2. Initial home internet set up.
The Support for Learning Fund is not intended for:
1. Supporting students with special needs (designations) to achieve their individual education plan (IEP) goals;
2. General classroom/school supplies (including but not limited to paper, writing tools, student planners, binders, USB flash drives);
3. Instructional workbooks and materials (including but not limited to flashcards, math workbooks, spelling workbooks, etc.);
4. General art supplies (including but not limited to markers, crayons, “arts-and-crafts” items);
5. Hardware, or other non-consumable items (including but not limited to computers, laptops, printers, sports equipment, etc.);
6. Tutors;
7. Recreation center drop in passes, ski passes, museum passes, etc.;
8. Spring break and winter break camps;
9. Play-based activities not directly connected to the curriculum (including but not limited to LEGO, Play Mobil);
10. Ongoing monthly payments for internet service;
11. Out of country internet service and activity;
12. Career/Technical Centre program courses;
13. Post-secondary transition (dual credit) program courses.
Student/Parent Safety & Third-Party Providers
Parents & guardians are solely responsible for ensuring all safety issues related to third-party providers of services and locations of third-party instruction. This includes Criminal Record Checks (CRC) of the provider and the physical safety and appropriateness of any site used for instruction, as well as the use of any equipment therein.
Support for Learning Funding Schedule & Calendar: Support for Learning funding is provided to a maximum level of $500 per eligible student, per academic year, when registration for FCOL and the Student Learning Plan are completed and fully executed (approved by the teacher and parent[s]/guardian[s]) between July 1st and September 30th each year. Funding will be prorated if registration occurs after September 30th. Please reference the detailed funding breakdown:
1. FCOL registration from July 1 to September 30 – $500;
2. FCOL registration from October 1 to February 14 – $250;
3. FCOL registration from February 15 to May 1 – $100;
4. FCOL registration from May 1 to June 30 – no funding provided.
Support for Learning applications are accepted from October 15 to May 15 annually.
Leaving FCOL Resulting in Support for Learning Repayment: If a student formally or informally (as determined by FCOL) leaves FCOL before February 15 and
has utilized the Support for Learning funding, the parent/guardian is responsible for refunding the Fraser-Cascade School District 50% of any Support for Learning funds spent.
Application Process
1. Parent/guardian completes the S4L Application and Authorization Form and emails it to the student’s FCOL teacher.
2. FCOL teacher approves or denies the lesson/activity or resource and informs the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the decision.
3. The parent/guardian enrolls his/her child in the desired lesson or activity and does not pay for the lesson/activity or resource.
4. The parent/guardian ensures that the provider knows FCOL will be contacting them to arrange for payment.
5. FCOL contacts the third party provider and makes payment upon receipt of an official invoice.
Please contact Sarah Shaw, FCOL Secretary for S4L Application and Authorization Form.